07368 631715

Whether you're recording as part of your training, creating content for socials or laying down original tracks, we've got you covered...
2 hrs・1 song・Fully edited track, video & photo bundle
Held at students usual lesson location, recording session and all editing completed by a Vocademy Coach
These packages are very popular for students to use as audition tapes, social content or as a gift for family and friends. High quality videos recorded with professional equipment.
2 hour session, 1 edited track, 1 edited video and photo bundle
Backing Track(s) supplied by Vocademy or vocalist
Record 2 songs/videos in the 2hr session - additional £40.
To record a live accompaniment please get in touch to discuss.
If you would like longer than 2hrs please get in touch to discuss.
Vocademy Recording Packages only available in Maidstone.
Please note that although our Coaches have professional equipment and good ability & understanding of basic editing skills, our Coaches are NOT professionally trained in sound/video editing/mixing.
Professional Location Recording www.randallrekords.com
Randall Rekords are an associate company of Vocademy. For those looking for top level recording and mixing, maybe for original music, show reel or website content, or just as a real nice treat, Randall Rekords offer professional recording at affordable prices and in any location to suit you.
The beauty of specialising in location recording is Randall Rekords can come to you, wherever that may be and wherever you'd like to record and they'll do so whilst promising the highest quality recording, mixing and mastering.
If students don't have anywhere in mind they can use lesson locations within Vocademy at no extra cost, such as Principal Dani's studio (subject to availability).
Bronze £55・1hr・1 Track
Silver £90・2hrs・2 Tracks
Gold £130・2.5hrs・3 Tracks
Platinum £200・3.5hrs・5 Tracks
Prices based on audio track(s) of 1 vocalist with backing track.
To record a live accompaniment please get in touch to discuss.
Optional Extra:
£20ph to have Tutor in session for guidance & support
£45ph to have Tutor in session plus film and edit a video for each track
Post-editing fees included in session fee
・Gift Vouchers can be purchased for any of the recording package options
・If you would like a personalised recording session outside of the packages offered please contact us at info@vocademy.co.uk
​TnCs apply:
- All recording session pre-paid via the gift voucher must be redeemed within 6 months of purchase date (date payment is received).
- Gift Voucher cannot be redeemed for cash, be refunded, balance consolidated to a new voucher or replaced after expiry date.
- The only instance in which a gift voucher will be refunded/extended is due to lack of suitable availability at Vocademy/Randall Rekords.
- Gift Voucher cannot be resold.